St. Elias Melkite Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite
We are Christians of the Byzantine rite of the Melkite Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch,"where they were first called Christians" (Acts 11:26). If you are looking for Apostolic Tradition (2 Thes 2:15; 1 Cor 11:2), if you are looking for the orthodox Christian Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, if you are looking for Jesus, then, as Jesus said, "Come and See" (John 1:39). See, hear, smell, taste the ancient apostolic Catholic Church "where they were first called Christians," still alive 2,000 years later, even right here in the Bay Area!
We are located at 1212 Turner Court, Hayward, CA.
Our Theophany (Epiphany) Services will be this Monday, January 6th
10:00am Orthros (Confession available at this time)
11:00am Divine Liturgy
1:00pm Agape Meal (Lunch Social)
Our normal Sunday Schedule is as follows:
10:00am Orthros (Confession available at this time)
11:00am Divine Liturgy
1:00pm Agape Meal (Lunch Social)
Great Feast Days that fall on Mondays through Saturdays will normally follow the same schedule as above, however, there are exceptions. To make sure you have the most up to date information, please click the contact button above and get on our email list!
Listen to a Homily: Feast of Theophany
Listen to a recent Bible Study: Baptism and Chrismation
Listen to a Hymn: Resurrectional Troparion Tone 5