Melkite Music
Below is a sampling of the type of Byzantine chant you will hear at St. Elias Church. If you live in the Bay Area, CA, please consider coming and singing with us this Sunday! The recordings provided below are from various sources who generously donated their time in singing, recording, digitizing, and distributing these treasures of our Antiochian Byzantine Tradition.
Hymns of Divine Liturgy
Resurrectional Troparia
Festal Hymns
Hymns of Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha
Hymns of Vespers and Orthros
Divine Liturgy in Arabic
Melkite Hymnal (Reader Romanos)
Festal Hymns (Reader Romanos)
Presbyter David Baroody
Presanctified Liturgy
Funeral Hymns
Wedding Hymns