St. Elias Melkite Catholic Church of the Byzantine Rite

We are Christians of the Byzantine rite of the Melkite Catholic Church,"where they were first called Christians" (Acts 11:26). If you are looking for apostolic tradition (2 Thes 2:15; 1 Cor 11:2), if you are looking for the orthodox Christian faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, if you are looking for Jesus, then, as Jesus said, "Come and See" (John 1:39).  See, hear, smell, taste the ancient apostolic Catholic Church "where they were first called Christians," still alive 2,000 years later, even right here in the Bay Area!  We are located at 1212 Turner Court, Hayward, CA.
Liturgical Services
5:00pm Great Vespers: The is the first service in which we begin to prepare ourselves for our Sunday Divine Liturgy.

9:30am Door Prayers, Vesting Prayers, and Prothesis: Do you have prayer intentions?  This is the time to bring the names to the presbyter so that they can be added to the list for the Sunday.  Click here for more information.

10:00am Orthros: This is morning prayer (Matins) and is the traditional way to prepare for the Divine Liturgy.  Click here for more information.

11:00am Divine Liturgy: This is our Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass).  All visiting Christians of Canonical Catholic and/or Orthodox jurisdictions are able to receive, provided they have properly prepared themselves through the normal means of preparation of their own jurisdiction.  Click here for more information.

1:00pm Agape Meal: This is our time to eat, drink, and be merry!  There is always a delicious meal and fun for the kids.  Please plan to stay for the Agape Meal and continue to celebrate and enjoy the Sunday with us.

Holy Mystery of Reconciliation
This Holy Mystery, also known as Confession or Penance, is available every Saturday evening during Great Vespers and every Sunday morning during Orthros.  Click here for more information.
Great Feast Days
Most Great Feast Days will following the same schedule as above, with Great Vespers the evening before the Feast and a full liturgical cycle (as on Sundays) on the day of the Feast.  But there are occassional differences depending on the Feast.  So, if you want to know about such things, get on our email list.  You can do so by clicking the contact tab above.
Mark your Calendar!
March 23rd: Tom Wong from Alameda County Star Search will be giving a brief presention about the organization during the Agape.  Come listen and learn about how you can get involved in local politics and make a change!  Remember, all that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
March 25th: This is the Great Feast of the Annunciation.  We will have the same schedule of services as noted above.
April 12th: On this Lazarus Saturday we will have the same schedule of services as noted above but will also be cleaning the church inside and out, polishing the silver, and other things in preparation for Pascha.  Come and help and bring your work clothes.  The day will conclude with vespers at 5pm.
April 20th: Please note that, as usual, we will be celebrating Great and Holy Pascha as a vigil service.  That means that our service will begin on Saturday evening (April 19th) and continue into the early morning hours of April 20th.  There will not be any services during the daylight hours on the 20th.  So, if you want to celebrate Pascha with us, be sure to come Saturday evening!  For more information, get on our email list!